SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
4 Faults and alarms
4.2 List of faults and alarms
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
ccbbaaaa hex
aaaa = Parameter
bb = Index
cc = fault cause
0: Parameter number illegal.
1: Parameter value cannot be changed.
2: Lower or upper value limit exceeded.
3: Sub-index incorrect.
4: No array, no sub-index.
5: Data type incorrect.
6: Setting not permitted (only resetting).
7: Descriptive element cannot be changed.
9: Descriptive data not available.
11: No master control.
15: No text array available.
17: Task cannot be executed due to operating state.
20: Illegal value.
21: Response too long.
22: Parameter address illegal.
23: Format illegal.
24: Number of values not consistent.
108: Unit unknown.
Additional values:
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
- enter the correct value in the specified parameter.
- identify the parameter that restricts the limits of the specified parameter.
Fatal error at project download
Message class:
Error in the parameterization / configuration / commissioning procedure (18)
A fatal error was detected when downloading a project using the commissioning software.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: Device status cannot be changed to Device Download (drive object ON?).
2: Incorrect drive object number.
8: Maximum number of drive objects that can be generated exceeded.
11: Error while generating a drive object (global component).
12: Error while generating a drive object (drive component).
13: Unknown drive object type.
14: Drive status cannot be changed to "ready for operation" (r0947 and r0949).
15: Drive status cannot be changed to drive download.
16: Device status cannot be changed to "ready for operation".
18: A new download is only possible if the factory settings are restored for the drive unit.
20: The configuration is inconsistent.
21: Error when accepting the download parameters.
22: SW-internal download error.
100: The download was canceled, because no write requests were received from the commissioning client (e.g. for
communication error).
Additional values:
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.