SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
Function diagrams, input/output terminals
Analog inputs as digital inputs (DI 11 ... DI 12), 750
Three-wire control, 753
Two-wire control, 752
Function diagrams, internal control/status words
Control word 1 (r0054), 807
Control word, faults/alarms (r2138), 816
Control word, sequence control (r0898), 802
Control word, setpoint channel, 804
Control word, speed controller, 809
Sequence control - Missing enable signals, 819
Sequence control - Sequencer, 818
Status word faults/alarms 1 and 2
Status word 1 (r0052), 805
Status word 2 (r0053), 806
Status word, closed-loop control, 811
Status word, current control, 812
Status word, monitoring functions 1 (r2197), 813
Status word, monitoring functions 2 (r2198), 814
Status word, monitoring functions 3 (r2199), 815
Status word, sequence control (r0899), 803
Status word, speed controller, 810
Supplementary control word (r0055), 808
Function diagrams, position control
Cam controllers, 879
Dynamic following errormonitoring, 879
Position actual value conditioning, 876
Position controller, 877
Standstill monitoring / positioning monitoring, 878
Function diagrams, PROFIenergy
Control commands and interrogation commands,
Function diagrams, Safety Integrated Basic Functions
F-DI (Fail-safe Digital Input), 828
Monitoring functions and faults/alarms, 824
Parameter manager, 823
SBC (Safe Brake Control), 829
SS1 (Safe Stop 1), STO (Safe Torque Off) (Part 1),
Status words, 825
STO (Safe Torque Off) (Part 2) - PM240-2 FS D-F,
Function diagrams, Safety Integrated Extended
Control and status word, 836
Extended Functions via F-DI (p9601.2 = 1 and
Extended Functions via PROFIsafe (9601.2 = 1 and
Fail-safe digital inputs (F-DI 0 ... F-DI 2), 837
Fail-safe digital output (F-DO 0), 838
F-DI assignment, 840
F-DO assignment, 841
Parameter manager, 831
SDI (Safe Direction), 835
SLS (Safely Limited Speed), 833
SS1 (Safe Stop 1), internal STOP A, B, F, 832
SSM (Safe Speed Monitor), 834
Function diagrams, Safety Integrated PROFIsafe
Manufacturer-specific telegrams, 845
Standard telegrams, 844
Function diagrams, setpoint channel
Basic ramp-function generator, 854
Direction limitation and direction reversal, 852
Extended ramp-function generator, 855
Fixed speed setpoints, binary selection (p1016 = 2),
Fixed speed setpoints, direct selection (p1016 = 1),
Main/supplementary setpoint, setpointscaling,
Motorized potentiometer, 850
Overview, 847
Ramp-function generator selection, -status word,
Skip frequency bands and speedlimitations, 853
Function diagrams, setpoint channel not activated
Generation of the speed limits (r0108.8 = 0), 858
Function diagrams, signals and monitoring functions
Load monitoring, 972
Monitoring functions 2, 979
Motor temperature model 1 (I2t), 974
Motor temperature model 2, 975
Motor temperature model 3, 976
Speed signals 1, 969
Speed signals 2, 970
Thermal monitoring motor, motor temperature status
Thermal monitoring, power module, 977
Torque signals, motor blocked/stalled, 971
Function diagrams, signals and monitoring functions
Function diagrams, signals and monitoring functions
Function diagrams, Standard Drive Control
U/f control, characteristic and voltage boost (p0096 =
U/f control, interface to the Power Module (ASM,
U/f control, overview (p0096 = 1), 916
U/f control, resonance damping and slip