4 Faults and alarms
4.2 List of faults and alarms
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
yyyyxxxx dec: yyyy = supplementary information, xxxx = parameter
xxxx = 421:
For an EnDat/SSI encoder, the absolute position in the protocol must be less than or equal to 30 bits.
yyyy = 0:
No additional information available.
yyyy = 1:
The component does not support HTL level (p0405.1 = 0) combined with track monitoring A/B <> -A/B (p0405.2 = 1).
yyyy = 2:
A code number for an identified encoder has been entered into p0400, however, no identification was carried out.
Please start a new encoder identification.
yyyy = 3:
A code number for an identified encoder has been entered into p0400, however, no identification was carried out.
Please select a listed encoder in p0400 with a code number < 10000.
yyyy = 4:
This component does not support SSI encoders (p0404.9 = 1) without track A/B.
yyyy = 5:
For SQW encoder, value in p4686 greater than in p0425.
yyyy = 6:
DRIVE-CLiQ encoder cannot be used with this firmware version.
yyyy = 7:
For an SQW encoder, the Xact1 correction (p0437.2) is only permitted with equidistant zero marks.
yyyy = 8:
The motor pole pair width is not supported by the linear scale being used.
yyyy = 9:
The length of the position in the EnDat protocol may be a maximum of 32 bits.
yyyy = 10:
The connected encoder is not supported.
yyyy = 11:
The hardware does not support track monitoring.
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- re parameter number = 314:
- check the pole pair number and measuring gear ratio. The quotient of the "pole pair number" divided by the
"measuring gear ratio" must be less than or equal to 1000 ((r0313 * p0433) / p0432 <= 1000).
A32915 (F, N)
Encoder 2: Configuration error
Message class:
Error in the parameterization / configuration / commissioning procedure (18)
The configuration for encoder 2 is incorrect.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Re-parameterization between fault/alarm is not permissible.
When the fine resolution Gx_XIST2 is configured, the encoder identifies a maximum possible absolute position actual
value (r0483) that can no longer be represented within 32 bits.
For alarm value = 1:
No re-parameterization between fault/alarm.
For alarm value = 419:
Reduce the fine resolution (p0419) or deactivate the monitoring (p0437.25), if the complete multiturn range is not