Chapter 23 LIN Physical Layer (S12LINPHYV2)
S12ZVHY/S12ZVHL Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor
After clearing LPDTIF, if the TxD-dominant timeout condition is still present or the LPTxD pin is
dominant while being in normal mode, the transmitter remains disabled and the LPDTIF flag is set after a
time again to indicate that the attempt to re-enable has failed. This time is equal to:
minimum 1 IRC period (1 us) + 2 bus periods
maximum 2 IRC periods (2 us) + 3 bus periods
If the bit LPDTIE is set in the LPIE register, an interrupt is requested.
shows the different scenarios of TxD-dominant timeout interrupt handling.
Figure 23-13. TxD-dominant timeout interrupt handling
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