Chapter 21 64 KB Flash Module (S12ZFTMRZ64K2KV2)
S12ZVHY/S12ZVHL Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor
to re-enable the Verify Backdoor Access Key command. The security as defined in the Flash security byte
(0xFF_FE0F) is not changed by using the Verify Backdoor Access Key command sequence. The backdoor
keys stored in addresses 0xFF_FE00-0xFF_FE07 are unaffected by the Verify Backdoor Access Key
command sequence. The Verify Backdoor Access Key command sequence has no effect on the program
and erase protections defined in the Flash protection register, FPROT.
After the backdoor keys have been correctly matched, the MCU will be unsecured. After the MCU is
unsecured, the sector containing the Flash security byte can be erased and the Flash security byte can be
reprogrammed to the unsecure state, if desired. In the unsecure state, the user has full control of the
contents of the backdoor keys by programming addresses 0xFF_FE00-0xFF_FE07 in the Flash
configuration field.
Unsecuring the MCU in Special Single Chip Mode using BDM
A secured MCU can be unsecured in special single chip mode using an automated procedure described in
Section, “Erase All Pin
”, For a complete description about how to activate that procedure please
look into the Reference Manual.
Mode and Security Effects on Flash Command Availability
The availability of Flash module commands depends on the MCU operating mode and security state as
shown in
On each system reset the flash module executes an initialization sequence which establishes initial values
for the Flash Block Configuration Parameters, the FPROT and DFPROT protection registers, and the
FOPT and FSEC registers. The initialization routine reverts to built-in default values that leave the module
in a fully protected and secured state if errors are encountered during execution of the reset sequence. If a
double bit fault is detected during the reset sequence, both MGSTAT bits in the FSTAT register will be set.
CCIF is cleared throughout the initialization sequence. The Flash module holds off all CPU access for a
portion of the initialization sequence. Flash reads are allowed once the hold is removed. Completion of the
initialization sequence is marked by setting CCIF high which enables user commands.
If a reset occurs while any Flash command is in progress, that command will be immediately aborted. The
state of the word being programmed or the sector/block being erased is not guaranteed.