Chapter 18 Real-Time Counter With Calendar (RTCV2)
S12ZVHY/S12ZVHL Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor Wait Mode
The RTC continues to run in wait mode if enabled before executing the WAIT instruction. Therefore, the
RTC can be used to bring the MCU out of wait mode if the real-time interrupt is enabled. For lowest
possible current consumption, the RTC should be stopped by software if not needed as an interrupt source
during wait mode. Stop Modes
The RTC continues to run in STOP mode if the RTC is enabled before executing the STOP instruction.
Therefore, the RTC can be used to bring the MCU out of stop modes with no external components, if the
real-time interrupt is enabled. Freeze Mode
In freeze mode(BDM active), depend on the bit FRZ in RTCCTL3, RTC will be stop or run continue.
18.2.2 Block Diagram
The block diagram for the RTC module is shown in