Chapter 7 S12 Clock, Reset and Power Management Unit (S12CPMU_UHV_V5)
S12ZVHY/S12ZVHL Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor
Table 7-7. CPMUCLKS Descriptions
PLL Select Bit
This bit selects the PLLCLK as source of the System Clocks (Core Clock and Bus Clock).
PLLSEL can only be set to 0, if UPOSC=1.
UPOSC= 0 sets the PLLSEL bit.
Entering Full Stop Mode sets the PLLSEL bit.
0 System clocks are derived from OSCCLK if oscillator is up (UPOSC=1, f
= f
/ 2).
1 System clocks are derived from PLLCLK, f
= f
/ 2.
Pseudo Stop Bit
This bit controls the functionality of the oscillator during Stop Mode.
0 Oscillator is disabled in Stop Mode (Full Stop Mode).
1 Oscillator continues to run in Stop Mode (Pseudo Stop Mode), option to run RTI and COP.
Pseudo Stop Mode allows for faster STOP recovery and reduces the mechanical stress and aging of the
resonator in case of frequent STOP conditions at the expense of a slightly increased power consumption.
When starting up the external oscillator (either by programming OSCE bit to 1 or on exit from Full Stop
Mode with OSCE bit already 1) the software must wait for a minimum time equivalent to the startup-time
of the external oscillator t
before entering Pseudo Stop Mode.
COP in Stop Mode ACLK Disable
— If this bit is set the ACLK for the COP in Stop Mode is disabled. Hence
the COP is static while in Stop Mode and continues to operate after exit from Stop Mode.
For CSAD = 1 and COP is running on ACLK (COPOSCSEL1 = 1) the following applies:
Due to clock domain crossing synchronization there is a latency time of 2 ACLK cycles to enter Stop Mode.
After exit from STOP mode (when interrupt service routine is entered) the software has to wait for 2 ACLK
cycles before it is allowed to enter Stop mode again (STOP instruction). It is absolutely forbidden to enter
Stop Mode before this time of 2 ACLK cycles has elapsed.
0 COP running in Stop Mode (ACLK for COP enabled in Stop Mode).
1 COP stopped in Stop Mode (ACLK for COP disabled in Stop Mode)
COP Clock Select 1
— COPOSCSEL0 and COPOSCSEL1 combined determine the clock source to the COP
If COPOSCSEL1 = 1, COPOSCSEL0 has no effect regarding clock select and changing the COPOSCSEL0 bit
does not re-start the COP time-out period.
COPOSCSEL1 selects the clock source to the COP to be either ACLK (derived from trimmable internal
RC-Oscillator) or clock selected via COPOSCSEL0 (IRCCLK or OSCCLK
Changing the COPOSCSEL1 bit re-starts the COP time-out period.
COPOSCSEL1 can be set independent from value of UPOSC.
UPOSC= 0 does not clear the COPOSCSEL1 bit.
0 COP clock source defined by COPOSCSEL0
1 COP clock source is ACLK derived from a trimmable internal RC-Oscillator
RTI Enable During Pseudo Stop Bit
— PRE enables the RTI during Pseudo Stop Mode.
0 RTI stops running during Pseudo Stop Mode.
1 RTI continues running during Pseudo Stop Mode if RTIOSCSEL=1.
If PRE=0 or RTIOSCSEL=0 then the RTI will go static while Stop Mode is active. The RTI counter will not
be reset.
COP Enable During Pseudo Stop Bit
— PCE enables the COP during Pseudo Stop Mode.
0 COP stops running during Pseudo Stop Mode
1 COP continues running during Pseudo Stop Mode if COPOSCSEL=1
If PCE=0 or COPOSCSEL=0 then the COP will go static while Stop Mode is active. The COP counter will
not be reset.