Chapter 2 Port Integration Module (S12ZVHYPIMV1)
S12ZVHY/S12ZVHL Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor
8-pin port S associated with SCI0, IIC0, SPI0 modules and rerouting of MSCAN0. PS7 and PS6
also associated with IRQ, XIRQ interrupt inputs; associated with the key wakeup functions.
LINPHY0’s LPDC0 is routing to this PS7 also.
8-pin port T with the key wakeup function and 8 TIM1 channels, also associated with
— DBG external signals PDO, PDOCLK and DBGEEV
— ECLK output
8-pin port AD associated with 8 ADC0 channels; associated with the key wakeup function also
8-pin port U associated with SSD0, SSD1, 2 Motor controls and 4 TIM0 channels
Most I/O pins can be configured by register bits to select data direction and to enable and select pullup or
pulldown devices.
This document assumes the availability of all features (144-pin package
option). Some functions are not available on lower pin count package
options. Refer to the pin-out summary in the SOC Guide.
The PIM includes these distinctive registers:
Data registers and data direction registers for ports A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, T, S, P, AD, U and J when
used as general-purpose I/O
Control registers to enable pull devices and select pullups/pulldowns on ports A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, T, S, P, AD, U and J
Single control register bit to enable pullups on BKGD pin
Control register to enable open-drain (wired-or) mode on port S and port A (only PA3, PA2)
Control register to enable digital input buffers on port AD
Control register to enable the slew rate control on Port U.
Interrupt flag register for pin interrupts on port S, T and AD
Control register to configure IRQ pin operation
Control register to enable ECLK output
Control register to enable the RTC_CAL input or output
Routing registers to support signal relocation on external pins and control internal routings:
— IIC0 to alternative pins
— SCI1 to alternative pins
— MSCAN0 to alternative pins
— PWM0, PWM2, PWM4, PWM6 to alternative pins
— rerouting the RTC_CAL to TIM1 channel
— rerouting the RXD0 and RXD1 to TIM1 channel for the baud rate detection
— Various SCI0-LINPHY0 routing options supporting standalone use and conformance testing