Chapter 7 S12 Clock, Reset and Power Management Unit (S12CPMU_UHV_V5)
S12ZVHY/S12ZVHL Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.05
PLL Bypassed External Mode (PBE)
In this mode, the Bus Clock is based on the external oscillator clock. The reference clock for the PLL is
based on the external oscillator.
The clock sources for COP and RTI can be based on the internal reference clock generator or on the
external oscillator clock or the RC-Oscillator (ACLK).
This mode can be entered from default mode PEI by performing the following steps:
1. Make sure the PLL configuration is valid.
2. Enable the external Oscillator (OSCE bit)
3. Wait for the oscillator to start-up and the PLL being locked (LOCK = 1) and (UPOSC =1)
4. Clear all flags in the CPMUIFLG register to be able to detect any status bit change.
5. Optionally status interrupts can be enabled (CPMUINT register).
6. Select the Oscillator clock as source of the Bus clock (PLLSEL=0)
Loosing PLL lock status (LOCK=0) means loosing the oscillator status information as well (UPOSC=0).
The impact of loosing the oscillator status (UPOSC=0) in PBE mode is as follows:
PLLSEL is set automatically and the Bus clock is switched back to the PLL clock.
The PLLCLK is derived from the VCO clock (with its actual frequency) divided by four until the
PLL locks again.
Application software needs to be prepared to deal with the impact of loosing the oscillator status at
any time.
When using the oscillator clock as system clock (write PLLSEL = 0) it is
highly recommended to enable the oscillator clock monitor reset feature
(write OMRE = 1 in CPMUOSC2 register). If the oscillator monitor reset
feature is disabled (OMRE = 0) and the oscillator clock is used as system
clock, the system might stall in case of loss of oscillation.
All reset sources are listed in
. There is only one reset vector for all these reset sources. Refer
to MCU specification for reset vector address.
Table 7-34. Reset Summary
Reset Source
Local Enable
Power-On Reset (POR)
Low Voltage Reset (LVR)
External pin RESET
PLL Clock Monitor Reset