UART Introduction
UART Devices
12.1.1 Main UART Features (UART1/2/3)
The main features are as follows:
Selectable UART/autobaud modes (UART1 and 2 only)
Dual 64-entry FIFOs for received and transmitted data payload
Programmable and selectable transmit and receive FIFO trigger levels for
DMA and interrupt generation
Programmable sleep mode
Complete status reporting capabilities in both normal and sleep mode
Frequency prescaler values from 0 to 65535 to generate the appropriate
baud rates
An interrupt request to the system if there are multiple DMA
UART/Modem Functions (UART1/2/3)
Baud rate from 300 bits/s up to 1.5M bits/s
Autobaud between 1200 bits/s and 115.2K bits/s
Software/hardware flow control
Programmable XON/XOFF characters
Programmable AUTO_RTS and AUTO_CTS
Programmable serial interface characteristics
5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit characters
Even-, odd-, or no-parity bit generation and detection
1, 1.5, or 2 stop bit generation
False start bit detection
Line break generation and detection
Fully prioritized interrupt system controls
Internal test and loopback capabilities
Modem control functions (CTS, RTS, DSR, and DTR)