Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
= This notification type is reserved for being issued by
a SuperSpeed On-the-Go (SS-OTG) device, if its Role Swap Protocol (RSP) capa-
bility has been enabled.
= Logical Idle is a period of one or more symbol periods when no
information (packets or link commands) is transferred on the link. The Idle Symbol
(IS) is transmitted by a port at any time in the active (U0) state meeting the logical
idle definition.
= Isochronous Timestamp Packet, sent periodically by a host to inform
devices on the USB of the current bus time. ITPs are multicast on all active links.
= Latency Tolerance Messaging is an optional normative
USB power management feature that utilizes reported BELT (Best Effort Latency
Tolerance) values to enable more power efficient platform operation.
= An eight-symbol sequence used for link-level flow control,
retries, power management and device removal.
= A protocol for determining propagation delays
through the USB topology with a high degree of accuracy (sometimes called "Pre-
cision Time Measurement").
= The Not Ready response is a handshake packet indicating a neg-
ative acknowledgment.
= This transaction packet can only be sent by the host, to transition
all links, which are in the path to a device, back to the active (U0) state prior to ini-
tiating an isochronous transfer.
= This transaction packet is sent by a device in
response for each PING received from the host.
= This link management packet describes each port's link
capabilities and is sent by both link partners after the successful completion of
training and link initialization.
= All Enhanced SuperSpeed ports that support down-
stream port capability can send this link management packet (LMP), which is simi-
lar to Port Capability. If a port, which was to be configured in the upstream facing
mode, does not receive this LMP within a defined time after link initialization, then
the upstream port shall transition to "eSS.Disabled" and a peripheral device shall
try to connect at the other speeds this device supports.
= This link management packet is sent by
the upstream port in response to a Port Configuration and indicates its acceptance
or rejection.
Start of Data Stream
marks the start of an SDS ordered set. Valid only for
USB 3.1 Gen 2.
= SKP compensates for different bit rates between two communicat-
ing ports. SKPs may be dynamically inserted or removed from the data stream.
SKPEND marks the boundary between SKP symbols and the remainder of the
SKP ordered set. (For SuperSpeedPlus operation, unscrambled.)
= This transaction packet can only be sent by an endpoint on the
device. It is used to inform the host that the endpoint is halted or that a control
transfer is invalid.
USB 3.1 (option R&S