Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Figure 13-17: Example of a SENT transmission sequence
The format of a SENT transmission sequence consists of the following pulses:
Synchronization/Calibration Pulse:
initial sequence of the receiver
the start condition is the falling edge of the last pulse (CRC or Pause)
nominal pulse period is 56 clock ticks
measures the actual clock variation of the transmitter and calculates the tick
Status/Communication Pulse (Nibble)
one 4 bit pulse
communicates status and enables the sensor to include slow channel message
0: (LSB) specific application
1: specific application
2: Serial Data message or specific application (e.g. Infineon TLE4998S)
3: (MSB) 1= message start; 0=Serial Data message or specific application
(e.g. Infineon TLE4998S)
12 to 27 clock ticks
not included in CRC frame calculation
Data Pulses (Nibbles)
one up to six 4 bit data nibbles
12 to 27 clock ticks pulse period
initial logic 0 time with
5 ticks, subsequent logical 1 with variable duration
one 4 bit pulse
used for error checking of data nibbles (status nibble not included)
detects single bit, odd number of nonconsecutive and single burst errors
Pause Pulse
one optional pulse
variable pulse length: 12 to 768 clock ticks
can be used to create a transmission with constant number of clock ticks
SENT (option R&S