User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
By qualifying a trigger event, you can logically combine the trigger signal with the state
of other analog channel signals.
The instrument triggers if both of the following apply:
The basic conditions of the trigger event definition are fulfilled.
The logical conditions of the trigger qualification are true.
Qualification is only available for the A-event.
Qualification is not supported if:
The trigger source is "Extern".
One of the following trigger types is selected: slew rate, Setup & Hold, Serial pat-
tern, TV, and NFC.
► To enable the qualification settings, select
Example: Trigger on write access of a specific device of a bus system
In circuits using SPI, several slave devices use the same lines for reading and writing
data, and each slave has its own select line. To trigger on write access of specific
slave, the write line is the trigger source and the select line of the slave is set as quali-
fiying condition.
Enables the settings for trigger qualification that are defined in the "Qualification" tab.
Qualification adds additional trigger conditions considering the logic states of other dig-
ital channel signals.
The checkmark is only active if at least one qualification channel is selected.
Qualification is available for many trigger types: Edge, Glitch, Width, Runt, Window,
Timeout, and Interval.
Qualification is not possible for the R-event.
See also:
The pattern contains the channel selection, and the logical operations structure of
hardware-based Boolean logic.