Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Usually, the source is one of the analog channels. Reference and math waveforms are
available as source if the trigger source is one of the analog channels but not the serial
Alternatively, digital channels can be used if MSO option R&S
RTO6-B1 is installed.
Digital and analog channels cannot be used at the same time.
For triggering on a serial bus, analog or digital channel sources are required.
Remote command:
Sets the threshold value for digitization of the signal. If the signal value on the line is
higher than the threshold, the signal state is high. Otherwise, the signal state is consid-
ered low if the signal value is below the threshold. The interpretation of HIGH and LOW
is defined by the
There are several ways to set the threshold:
Enter the value directly in the field.
Starts software algorithms for determining the signal threshold levels and bitrate.
"Find thresholds"
Executes the measurement of reference levels and sets the thresholds to the mid-
dle reference level of the measured amplitude.
If the sources are digital channels, the same threshold values are used for the
parallel and the serial buses. You can set the thresholds either in the parallel bus con-
figuration or in the serial bus configuration.
Remote command:
Bit rate
Sets the number of transmitted bits per second. The maximum bit rate for LIN is 20
To select a bit rate from list of predefined values, tap the icon beside the "Bit rate" field.
To enter a specific value, open the keypad. The list of predefined values is also availa-
ble in the keypad.
If the "LIN standard" is "J2602", the bit rate is 10.417 kbit/s and cannot be changed.
Remote command:
Defines the idle state of the bus. The idle state is the recessive state and corresponds
to a logic 1.
Remote command:
LIN (option R&S