Acquisition and waveform setup
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Offset to mean
Performs an automatic compensation for a DC component of the input signal using the
result of a background mean measurement. The result is shown in "Offset". The func-
tion is probe-independent and supports quick and convenient measurements of input
signals with different DC offsets. It detects offset values even when the signal is out of
the current measurement range. It also sets the zero level to the determined DC offset
in the middle of the screen and thus prevents clipping of the waveform.
Remote command:
Line impedance
If the transmission line probe R&S
RT-ZZ80 is selected, enter the impedance of the
measured line.
The actual attenuation of the transmission line probe depends on the impedance of the
line Z
Attenuation = 10 + Z
/ 100
The instrument uses the actual attenuation to determine the measurement values.
Setup for current probes
The setup and adjustment of current probes depends on the output connector of the
probe: BNC or Rohde
Schwarz probe box.
The following shared probe settings are available:
"Detect AutoZero, Use AutoZero"
Current probes R&S
The current probes
have BNC connectors. They are known to the
RTO6 as predefined probes, see
Chapter 5.6.6, "Setup for predefined probes"
on page 162. Demagnetizing and zero adjustment is done on the probe, see the pro-
be's User Manual for details. Make sure to demagnetize and adjust the probe before
taking measurements.