User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
A trigger sequence consists of at least one trigger condition and additional conditions
defining when the trigger occurs.
The trigger sequence "A
R", for example, consists of two subsequent conditions:
A-trigger and B-trigger with optional B-trigger delay and count. In addition, a reset con-
dition R can be configured: timeout or R-trigger condition. A-, B-, and R-triggers are
configured in the same way.
The instrument checks all trigger settings for compatibility and disables settings that do
not fit the previous settings in the sequence.
After the A-trigger conditions have been met, and an optional delay has passed, the B-
trigger with independent conditions is enabled. The instrument waits until one or a
specified number of B-trigger conditions occur. If the reset condition is not fulfilled, the
latest B-trigger causes the trigger event, and then the sequence starts again. The B-
trigger can only cause the trigger event if it occurs after the A-trigger and after the
delay time.
If you expect, for example, an irregular B-trigger, you can configure a reset condition to
restart the sequence. The reset condition can be a simple timeout, and/or a reset event
that is defined in the same way as the A- and B-trigger conditions.
All trigger sequences require that input channels CH1...4 are set as trigger sources for
all conditions. All other input sources are disabled. Trigger sequences are not available
if one the following trigger types is set as A-trigger:
Setup & Hold
For the zone trigger, more trigger sequences are available, see
Sequence setup
Access: "Menu">"Trigger" > "Setup" tab > "Trigger on" = "Sequence"