User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
4. Under "Level definition", select whether you want to define the levels using abso-
lute or relative values.
5. Under "User level", select whether you want to configure the high and low signal
levels ("Signal") or the lower, middle and upper reference levels ("Reference").
6. To define high and low signal levels if "Signal" is selected:
a) Enter the absolute high and low signal levels.
b) If "Level definition" is relative, select one of the predefined "Relative levels". If
default percentages do not fit, select "User defined" and enter the percentages
for the upper, middle, and lower reference levels.
The upper and lower reference levels are computed from the signal level val-
ues and the percentage values.
c) If "Level definition" is absolute, set the absolute "Top distance" and "Bottom dis-
tance" values, the differences between signal and reference levels.
The upper and lower reference levels are computed from the signal level val-
ues and the distances.
7. To define lower, middle and upper reference levels if "User reference level" is
a) Enter the absolute upper and lower reference levels.
b) If "Level definition" is relative, select one of the predefined "Relative levels". If
default percentages do not fit, select "User defined" and enter the percentages
for the upper, middle, and lower reference levels.
The high and low signal levels are computed from the reference level values
and the percentage values.
c) If "Level definition" is absolute, set the absolute "Top distance" and "Bottom dis-
tance" values, the differences between signal and reference levels.
The high and low signal levels are computed from the reference level values
and the distances.
To define hysteresis and tubes
1. To define a hysteresis for the middle reference level:
a) Select the "Advanced" tab.
b) Enter a percentage of the selected signal level.
A rise or fall from the middle reference value that does not exceed the hysteresis is
rejected and not considered a zero-crossing.
2. To define a tube for the high and low signal levels:
a) In the "Relative outer (RO)" field, define a percentage of the signal level by
which the absolute signal level may be larger than high signal level or lower
than the low signal level.
b) In the "Relative inner (RI)" field, define a percentage of the signal level by
which the absolute signal level may be higher than the low signal level or lower
than the high signal level.
Automatic measurements