Power analysis (option R&S
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Output spectrum
"Output Spectrum" analysis measures the spectrum of the output voltage. The results
can be applied to see typical side effect problems of the SMPS application, such as
switching frequency components of internal SMPS.
Required probes:
Voltage probe
Output spectrum results
After executing the "Output Spectrum" measurement, the following windows are dis-
The results of " Power Quality" measurements are provided in two ways:
Two diagrams that show the graphical presentation of:
the voltage waveform
the spectrum
The result box displays the positions of the measured peaks. The peaks are found
by an automatic peak search.
: If no results are found, check and correct the FFT settings.
To measure and display the output spectrum, the instrument uses the following mea-
surements and waveforms:
"M4" Math 4 to calculate the magnitude of the FFT for the voltage source values
"Cu 1" to "Cu 4": Cursor 1 to Cursor 4 to determine the positions of the peaks
The used resources are listed in the "Details" tab. See also:
The measured peaks have different origin. Analyzing the frequencies gives information
about the influences on the output signal.