MPC563XM Reference Manual, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
Preliminary—Subject to Change Without Notice
This field indicates the RFIFO destination associated with the ADC_CONV_RESULT sample. This
value is stored by the companion module and is used to address the destination RFIFO register when
a RESULT_DATA is generated due to that ADC_CONV_RESULT sample.
TAG[0:3] — Companion module tag bits
This bit field is used to address the appropriate destination RFIFO in the EQADC for the
accompanying RESULT_DATA bits.
In eQADC application, this is used to address the appropriate RFIFO in the eQADC block. In this case,
the possible values are only from 0000 to 0101.
ADC_CONV_RESULT[0:15] — ADC Conversion Result Data
This bit field is the ADC conversion result data after passing through the calibration and formatting
RESULT_DATA[0:15] — Companion Module Result Data
This bit field corresponds to the companion module data processing result to EQADC. PSI Transmitter / Write Section
The transmission sub-block formats the data bus from RFIFO control sub-block to send to the PSI
Sky-Blue wdata bus. The transmission data is registered and its content is described in
“Input / Output Signals Description.”
The transmission has higher priority than reception. This is done to
avoid the use of memory to store transmission data and it is not used waiting time for transmission.
The destination companion module for the transmission data is obtained by decoding the DEST[0:3] bits.
The not null decimal value of DEST[0:3] is used to uniquely set the corresponding module enable signal.
For example, DEST[0:3] value equal to 0xF that corresponds to the decimal value 15 is going to set only
the module enable 15. All other module enable from 1 to 14 are not set. PSI Receiver / Read Section
The receiver sub-block receives data from some companion module using the PSI Sky-Blue interface. The
companion module sends a read request to EQADC using the Dark-blue read request line. The PSI logic
sends a read command if there is no transmission request. The received data has the structure described in
Section, “Input / Output Signals Description