MPC563XM Reference Manual, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
Preliminary—Subject to Change Without Notice
The OUT_BUFF[15:0] bit field corresponds to the decimation filter processed data result to master
block. This data can be a timestamp information or a digital filter result. In this case, the information
is a signed signal in 2-complement format.
Functional Description
This section presents a detailed functional description of the Decimation Filter block.
shows the block diagram of the Decimation Filter. The Control Logic provides the control
signals for all other sub-modules. The PSI data interface is subdivided into two sub-modules, transmitter
and receiver, that are accessed by the PSI sky-blue interface. The bypass path is used when the filter is
disabled and the incoming data can be transmitted back to the master block without being considered by
the Filter algorithm. The Filter hardware is implemented in such a way that an IIR or FIR filter types can
be implemented. The selection between the two types of filter algorithms is implemented by the Control
Logic sub-block. The Coefficient register file provides the digital filter coefficients. This block is a register
bank with read/write access by the SOC sky-blue interface. The Filter TAP registers are also accessed
through the SOC sky-blue line interface providing additional debug capabilities to the Decimation Filter
block. The MAC, Multiply Accumulate sub-block, executes the filter arithmetic operations controlled by
the Control Logic. The MAC results are routed to the Filter TAP registers and to the output buffer in the
PSI TX side when the result is a decimated filter sample.
Parallel Side Interface (PSI) Description
This section describes the operation of the Parallel Side Interface (PSI) sub-block which is responsible for
the communication and data exchange between the master block (for instance, the eQADC block) and the
Decimation Filter block.
presents the block diagram of this interface.
Basically, the decimation filter receives sample data from master block through the ips_decfil_wdata bus.
The input data bus format is presented in
. The sample data come together with some control
. These controls are decoded and the proper action is decided in the control
logic sub-block. When the decimation filter ends the processing and a result is available, the read request
signal ipd_decfil_req is issued to the master block. This data transfer request remains set until the result is
read by the master block.
In case of using two decimation filter blocks in the SoC, the ips_decfil_rdata output of the second block
can be connected to the decfil_rdata_chain input data of the first block, and the ips_decfil_rdata output of
the first block can be connected to the read data input of the PSI master block.
read data chain when using 2 decimation filter blocks.