MPC563XM Reference Manual, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
Preliminary—Subject to Change Without Notice
Write “1” to clear the TORF
bit. Writing a “0” has no effect.
1 = Trigger overrun occurred.
0 = No trigger overrun occurred.
The trigger overrun flag will not set for CFIFOs configured for software trigger
PFx — Pause Flag x
PF behavior changes according to the CFIFO trigger mode. In edge trigger mode, PFx is set when the
EQADC completes the transfer of an entry with an asserted Pause bit from CFIFOx. In level trigger
mode, when CFIFOx is in TRIGGERED status, PFx is set when CFIFO status changes from
TRIGGERED due to the detection of a closed gate. An interrupt routine, generated due to the asserted
PF, can be used to verify if a complete scan of the CQueue was performed. If a closed gate is detected
while no command transfers are taking place, it will have immediate effect on the CFIFO status. If a
closed gate is detected while a command transfer to an on-chip CBuffer is taking place, it will only
affect the CFIFO status when the transfer completes. If a closed gate is detected during the serial
transmission of a command to the external device, it will have no effect on the CFIFO status until the
transmission completes. The transfer of entries bound for the on-chip ADCs is considered completed
when they are stored in the appropriate CBuffer. The transfer of entries bound for the external device
is considered completed when the serial transmission of the entry is completed. In software trigger
mode, PFx will never become asserted.
Section, “EQADC Interrupt and DMA Control Registers (EQADC_IDCR)
and PFx
are asserted, an interrupt will be generated. Write “1” to clear the PF
. Writing a “0” has no effect.
Refer to
Section, “Pause Status
for more information on the Pause Flag.
1 = Entry with asserted PAUSE bit was transferred from CFIFOx (CFIFO in edge trigger mode), or
CFIFO status changes from TRIGGERED due to detection of a closed gate (CFIFO in level
trigger mode).
0 = Entry with asserted PAUSE bit was not transferred from CFIFOx (CFIFO in edge trigger mode),
or CFIFO status did not change from TRIGGERED due to detection of a closed gate (CFIFO
in level trigger mode).
In edge trigger mode, an asserted PFx only implies that the EQADC has finished
transferring a command with an asserted PAUSE bit from CFIFOx. It does not
imply that result data for the current command and for all previously transferred
commands has been returned to the appropriate RFIFO.
In software or level trigger mode, when the EQADC completes the transfer of an
entry from CFIFOx with an asserted PAUSE bit, PFx will not be set and transfer of
commands will continue without pausing.
EOQFx — End of Queue Flag x
EOQFx indicates that an entry with an asserted EOQ bit was transferred from CFIFOx to the on-chip
ADCs or to the external device - see
Section, “Message Format in EQADC
for details about
command message formats. When the EQADC completes the transfer of an entry with an asserted
EOQ bit from CFIFOx, EOQFx
will be set. The transfer of entries bound for the on-chip ADCs is