System 75 XE to R8si (Blowback)
Task List: System 75 XE to R8si
SI Installation and Upgrades
June 2004
Behind control cabinet A of the single-carrier EPN:
— Install the same kind (either 9823-A or 9823-B) of lightwave transceiver on cable
connector at slot 2A01.
— Connect the fiber-optic cable, coming from control cabinet A of the PPN, to the 9823-type
lightwave transceiver at slot 2A01.
— Route the fiber-optic cable from the 9823-type lightwave transceiver to the cabinet cable
tray and out of the cabinet through the cable manager to the PDS cross-connect facility.
— At the PDS cross-connect facility, connect the fiber-optic cable to the lightwave-interface
unit provided.
— Delicately attach the fiber-optic cable (with cable ties) to the rear covers of the EPN stack.
— Coil up the surplus length of fiber-optic cable, and place the coil in the cable manager.
Behind control cabinet B of the single-carrier PPN:
— Install a 9823-type lightwave transceiver on the connector at slot 1B01.
— Connect one end of a fiber-optic cable to the 9823-type lightwave transceiver at slot 1B01.
— Route the fiber-optic cable from the 9823-type lightwave transceiver to the cabinet cable
tray and out of the cabinet through the cable manager to the PDS cross-connect facility.
— At the PDS cross-connect facility, connect the fiber-optic cable to the lightwave-interface
unit provided.
— Delicately attach the fiber-optic cable (with cable ties) to the wall of the cable tray at the
built-in cable-tie positions.
Behind port cabinet B of the single-carrier EPN:
— Install the same kind (either 9823-A or 9823-B) of lightwave transceiver on cable
connector at slot 2B02.
— Connect the fiber-optic cable, coming from control cabinet B of the PPN, to the 9823-type
lightwave transceiver at slot 2B02.
— Route the fiber-optic cable from the 9823-type lightwave transceiver to the cabinet cable
tray and out of the cabinet through the cable manager to the PDS cross-connect facility.
— At the PDS cross-connect facility, connect the fiber-optic cable to the lightwave-interface
unit provided.
— Delicately attach the fiber-optic cable (with cable ties) to the wall of the cable tray at the
built-in cable-tie positions.
— Coil up the surplus length of fiber-optic cable, and place the coil in the cable manager.