Install Telecommunications Cabling
Provisioning Plan
SI Installation and Upgrades
June 2004
Provisioning Plan
A provisioning plan should be completed prior to an installation. The plan determines an appropriate
available port circuit on the Avaya Media Gateway for each telephone, trunk, and peripheral connection
needed, and any auxiliary power for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and certain display sets.
The Port Assignment Record must have this information:
Station or trunk type or feature/service
Building location (floor/room/desk/outlet)
Extension number or trunk group and member number
Port circuit location on the system for each endpoint (cabinet/carrier/slot/circuit)
Route from equipment room through equipment closets to each endpoint
Auxiliary power supply, if required
Main Distribution Frame (MDF) Hardware
SYSTIMAX 110-type hardware is used for the Main Distribution Frame (MDF). 110-type hardware is
available in two basic types: the 110A and 110P. The 110A requires less wall space than the 110P. The
110P includes horizontal and vertical cable troughs for managing cross-connect cables. The system is
connected to the MDF with the supplied B25A male to female 25-pair cables. The cables are provided in
10-foot (3 m) and 15-foot (4.5 m) lengths.
Figure 135, Example MDF Connections (SCC1-Single-Carrier Cabinet,
on page 405 shows a detailed
example of Single-Carrier Cabinet cables connecting system cabinets and satellite closets to the Main
Distribution Frame (MDF). The figure shows the cross-connections for one example station circuit.
Figure 136, Example MDF Connections (MCC1-Multicarrier Cabinet),
on page 406 shows the cross-
connections for common circuit packs. Refer to this figure when cross-connecting wire pairs to the MDF.