Connecting and Handling Fiber Optic Cables
Lightguide Troughs
SI Installation and Upgrades
June 2004
Use the C3000A-2 Connector Coupling to join single-mode fiber optic cables equipped with ST
connectors. It has a threaded midsection that allows it to be screwed into the 10A Lightguide Connector
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Lightguide Troughs
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Two types of troughs are used with optical cross-connect hardware. The 1A4 trough secures single fiber
optic jumpers routed between Lightguide Interconnect Unit (LIU) columns, and the 1A6 trough is used at
the bottom of an LIU column to prevent cable slack.
Fiber Interconnection Cable
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Both multi-mode and single-mode fiber interconnection cable are available.
Multimode Fiber Cable
The multimode fiber interconnection cables are used as patch cords and to connect fiber optic equipment
to lightguide cross-connect and interconnect fields. This is a dual fiber cable equipped with ST connector
plugs on each end.
The following components are used in multi-mode fiber optic connections:
Expansion Interface (EI) circuit packs in port slots in cabinet carriers
Cables from each interface circuit pack to each port slot connector
The 9823A lightwave transceiver transmits up to 4900 feet (1.5 km). The 9823B lightwave
transceiver transmits up to 25,000 feet (7.6 km).
Multimode fiber optic cable consists of two separate 62.5 micrometer diameter fiber optic cables
or 50 micrometer diameter fiber optic cables.
Single-mode Fiber Cable
The single-mode fiber interconnection cables are used as patch cords and to connect fiber optic
equipment to lightguide cross-connect and interconnect fields. This is a dual fiber cable equipped with ST
connector plugs on each end.
5 and 10dB attenuators are available. Contact your Avaya representative for more