Adjuncts and Peripherals
DS1/T1 CPE loopback jack
SI Installation and Upgrades
June 2004
System printer
change system-parameters features
and press Enter.
The Feature-Related System Parameters screen appears.
Move to Page 4.
In the
System Printer Endpoint
field, type SYS_PRNT.
Press Enter to save your changes.
Testing the switch-to-adjunct link
You can use the test, status, busyout and release commands to find and correct problems with a system
printer, PMS log printer, or PMS journal printer. For more information about these commands, see the
Maintenance manual for your switch.
If a link does not come up immediately, try using the busyout (journal-link pms-log and wakeup-log, and
sp-link) and release (journal-link pms-log and wakeup-log, and sp-link) commands.
Status sp-link can show a system printer link as down, when it is actually properly
connected. If no data is being transmitted, the switch may not see this link as active.
Using the downloadable reliable session-
protocol (RSP) tool
The intent of the Reliable Session-Layer Protocol (RSP) is to guarantee delivery of data records from the
switch to an output device that connects to the switch over an asynchronous TCP/IP link. The
Downloadable RDTT tool allows you to implement this protocol on a PC that collects data records in a
file. The protocol assures that the data records arrive safely at the PC. You can then send the output file to
a printer. See
Reliable Data Transport Tool (RDTT) Package
on page 807.
DS1/T1 CPE loopback jack
This section provides information on how to install and use a DS1 loopback jack to test the DS1 span
between the Avaya Media Server or Gateway and the network interface point. The loopback jack is
required when DC power is at the interface to the integrated channel service unit (ICSU).
Do not remove the loopback jack after installation. It should always be available for
remote tests of the DS1 span.
For earlier media gateway systems, the integrated channel service unit (ICSU) — also known as the
120A2 — is a separate device that plugs into the back of the media gateway.
Installing a loopback jack
You can install a loopback jack with or without a smart jack.