GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
"Time" defines the sweep time for each segment. The default configuration for a new
segment is equal to the sweep time setting for unsegmented sweeps; see
When "Time" is checked two new columns appear in the table. The first column reads
"Segment Time" or "Meas Delay", depending on the selected radio button below the
"Time" checkbox. The second column reads "Auto" and is used to activate automatic
sweep time setting.
"Segment Time" is the total measurement time for the sweep segment. The minimum
segment sweep time to be set is equal to the estimated value in "Auto" mode. "Meas
Delay" sets a delay time allowing the DUT to settle before the hardware settings of
the analyzer are changed and a new partial measurement is started. Changing the
"Meas Delay" modifies the "Segment Time" and vice versa.
"Auto" minimizes the sweep time. If this option is checked, the columns "Segment
Time" or "Meas Delay" cannot be edited. "Segment Time" indicates the estimated
sweep time, depending on the current measurement settings, the "Meas Delay" is 0
s. The segment sweep time and point delay values are maintained until changed
explicitly if "Auto" is switched off.
Remote command:
Sweep > Sweep Control
Selects the number of sweeps per measurement cycle. The sweep mode ("Continu-
ous" or "Single") and the number of sweeps apply to the active channel or to all channels,
depending on the "Restart Manager" settings (see
chapter, "Restart Manager
CHANNEL > SWEEP key or Alt + Shift + M
Channel Settings