Error Messages and Troubleshooting
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Fig. 8-1: FPGA update failure
In this case the installation proceeds but requires additional steps to be taken in order to
perform the failed FPGA update manually.
No matter if the manual FPGA update described below is successful or not, write down
the error code and contact our support.
1. Reboot the analyzer.
2. Exit the firmware.
3. Run the flash utility located at
C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\Vector
Network Analyzer\Bin\flash.exe
and wait until the process has completed.
Fig. 8-2: FPGA flash tool
4. Turn off the analyzer (a reboot is not sufficient).
If successful, this procedure should bring the analyzer back to working condition.
Errors during Firmware Installation/Update