GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
The axis for the sweep variable is lost in Smith charts but the marker functions easily
provide the stimulus value of any measurement point. dB values for the magnitude and
other conversions can be obtained by means of the "Marker Format" functions.
Remote command:
Selects a Cartesian diagram to display the real part of a complex measured quantity.
The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
real part Re(C) of the complex quantity C = Re(C) + j Im(C), appears on the vertical axis,
also scaled linearly.
The real part of an impedance corresponds to its resistive portion.
Tip (alternative formats):
It is possible to view the magnitude and phase of a complex
quantity instead of the real and imaginary part. The magnitude can be displayed on a
linear scale or on a logarithmic scale. Both the real and imaginary parts are displayed in
the polar diagram.
Remote command:
Selects a Cartesian diagram to display the imaginary part of a complex measured quan-
The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
imaginary part Im(C) of the complex quantity C = Re(C) + j Im(C), appears on the vertical
axis, also scaled linearly.
The imaginary part of an impedance corresponds to its reactive portion.
Positive (negative) values represent inductive (capacitive) reactance.
Tip (alternative formats):
It is possible to view the magnitude and phase of a complex
quantity instead of the real and imaginary part. The magnitude can be displayed on a
linear scale or on a logarithmic scale. Both the real and imaginary parts are displayed in
the polar diagram.
Remote command:
4.2.3 Scale Settings
The "Scale" settings define how the active trace is displayed in the diagram selected in
the "Trace > Format" tab.
Scale > Scale Values
Provides the functions for diagram scaling.
The "Scale" settings are closely related to the settings in the "Format" submenu and in
the "Display" menu. All of them have an influence on the way the analyzer presents data
on the screen.
Trace Settings