GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Add / Add All / Replace / Apply / Apply to All
The buttons between the tables are used to modify the calibration pool and apply cali-
bration data sets (cal groups) to channels:
"Add" copies the correction data of the selected channel to the cal pool, generating
a new pool member (cal group).
"Add All" copies the correction data of all channels to the cal pool, generating new
pool members (cal groups).
"Replace" overwrites a cal group with new correction data.
"Apply" assigns the selected cal group to the selected channel.
"Apply to All" assigns the selected cal group to all channels in the "Channel State"
Remote command:
Pool / Delete from Pool
The "Pool" table shows all correction data sets
in the directory
. The
name of a pool data set can be modified directly in the corresponding table cell. "Delete
from Pool" deletes a cal group file.
Remote command:
Preset User Cal
Selects a calibration from the pool that shall be restored during a user-defined preset.
Remote command:
Resolve Pool Link
Deletes the link between the selected channel <Channel> and the cal group <Cal Group>.
The cal group data continues to be used as a channel calibration ("Channel Cal") for the
"<Channel>", the "Channel State" list displays "<Channel> ... Channel Cal".
Remote command:
Channel Properties
Displays the basic channel settings and the properties of the system error correction for
the selected channel in the "Channel State" table.
In addition it is stated whether or not Cal Sweep Data are available for the selected cal-
ibration (see
Remote command:
Channel Settings