Command Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Manual operation:
<CalGroupFile>, <Standard>,
<TestPort1>[, <TestPort2>]
Reloads a set of previously acquired calibration data for a particular standard from a file
in the cal pool. The loaded data may be combined with new calibration measurement
data (
simplify and speed up the new calibration procedure. The channel settings for loaded
and new calibrations (e.g. the number of sweep points) must be identical.
The analyzer performs a consistency check for the loaded data. If the loaded file
is incompatible with the channel settings of channel
, or if it does not contain data
for the specified standard and port(s), a command error message (
100, "Command
error;...") is generated.
Channel number of the calibrated channel
String parameter to specify the name of the loaded cal group file.
THRough | OPEN | SHORt | OSHort | OSHort1 | OSHort2 |
OSHort3 | MATCh | NET | ATT | REFL | SLIDe | LINE | LINe1 |
LINe2 | LINe3 | UTHRough | POWer
Standard types: Through, Open, Short, Match, Symmetric Net-
work (NET), Attenuation (ATT), Reflect, Sliding Match (SLIDe),
Line 1 (LINE1 and LINE are synonymous), Line 2 and Line 3 (esp.
for TRL calibration), Offset Short 1 to 3 (OSHort), Unknown
Test port numbers. For a transmission standard (through, line,
attenuation, symmetric network) the input and output port num-
bers must be specified, for reflection standards, only one port
number is required.
Second test port number, for transmission standards only.
Suppose that the cal pool contains a file
a valid through calibration for the active channel no. 1, which you
want to include in a new TOSM calibration for ports 1 and 2.
MMEM:CDIR DEF; CDIR 'Calibration\Data'
Go to the cal group directory.
:SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:METHod:DEFine 'New
Cal', TOSM, 1, 2
Define a new TOSM calibration.
SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:LOAD:SELected 'Cal
Group', THROUGH, 1, 2
Load the through data from the cal pool file into the new calibration.
Proceed with the new calibration measurements.
SCPI Command Reference