GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
The S-parameters are the basic measured quantities of a network analyzer. They
describe how the DUT modifies a signal that is transmitted or reflected in forward or
reverse direction. S-parameters are expressed as S
<out>< in>
, where <out> and <in>
denote the output and input port numbers of the DUT.
Remote command:
"<Trace_Name>", "S11" | "S12" |
"S21" | "S22"
Create new trace and select trace name and measurement parameter:
"<Trace_Name>", "S11" | "S12" |
"S21" | "S22"
All S-Params
Creates n
diagrams (for an n-port vector network analyzer) and displays the full set of
S-parameters, one in each diagram. The diagrams are arranged as an (n x n) matrix. The
reflection coefficients S
appear in the diagrams on the main diagonal, the transmission
coefficients S
j) occupy the other diagrams. Reflection coefficients are displayed in
Smith diagrams; transmission coefficients in Cartesian diagrams with logarithmic ("dB
mag") scale.
See also:
Remote command:
S-Parameter Wizard
The "S-Parameter Wizard" dialog consists of a series of dialogs providing the settings for
a standard two-port S-parameter measurement in a frequency sweep.
E.g. TRACE > MEAS > S-Params > S-Param Wizard ...
Trace Settings