Glossary: Frequently Used Terms
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Reflection tracking error:
Frequency-dependent variation of the ratio of the reflected
wave to the reference wave at a test port when an ideal reflection coefficient (= 1) is
measured. The reflection tracking error can be corrected by means of a reflection nor-
malization or one of the more sophisticated calibration methods.
A measurement on a two-port DUT is said to be in reverse direction if the source
signal (stimulus) is applied to port 2 of the DUT.
Source match error:
Measurement error caused by a mismatch of the analyzer's source
port causing part of the signal reflected off the DUT to be reflected again off the source
port so that it is not measured there. The source match error can be corrected by means
of a full one-port calibration or a two-port calibration (except normalization).
Stimulus value:
Value of the sweep variable (frequency/power/time/point number)
where a measurement is taken. Also termed sweep point.
Series of consecutive measurements taken at a specified sequence of stimulus
values = series of consecutive measurement points.
Sweep point:
Value of the sweep variable (stimulus value: frequency/power/time) where
a measurement is taken.
Sweep range:
Continuous range of the sweep variable (frequency/power/time) contain-
ing the sweep points where the analyzer takes measurements. In a Segmented Fre-
quency sweep the sweep range can be composed of several parameter ranges or single
Sweep segment:
Continuous frequency range or single frequency point where the ana-
lyzer measures at specified instrument settings (generator power, IF bandwidth etc.). In
the Segmented Frequency sweep type the entire sweep range can be composed of sev-
eral sweep segments.
A calibration type using a Through, a symmetric Network and an Attenuation stand-
ard. The properties of the Network and the Attenuation don't have to be known exactly.
Like TRL and TRM, TNA is especially useful for DUTs in planar line technology.
A calibration type using three fully known standards (Through, Open, Match), rec-
ommended for 2-port measurements on coaxial systems.
Assignment of the physical ports of the VNA to the logical ports used for the
measurement of mixed mode S-parameters (balance-unbalance conversion).
A calibration type using a Through plus the one-port standards Open, Short,
Match, to be connected to each calibrated port. Classical 12-term error model, also refer-
red to as SOLT. See also UOSM.