GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Lin Freq
In a "Lin Freq" sweep the stimulus frequency is swept in equidistant steps over the con-
tinuous frequency range. The frequency range (sweep range) is defined with the STIM-
ULUS settings. The step width between two consecutive sweep points is constant and
given by <Span>/(n - 1) where n is the specified "Number of Points" (n > 1). The internal
generator power can be set via "POWER BW AVG > Power".
"Lin Freq" is the default sweep type. In a Cartesian diagram the measurement result is
displayed as a trace over a linear frequency scale (as known e.g. from spectrum ana-
lyzers). The following example shows a "Lin Freq" sweep with a stimulus range between
4 GHz and 6 GHz, the forward transmission parameter S
as measured quantity, and a
"dB Mag" scaled y-axis.
Remote command:
Log Freq
In a "Log Freq" sweep the stimulus frequency is swept on a logarithmic scale over the
continuous frequency range. The frequency range (sweep range) is defined with the
STIMULUS settings. The sweep points are calculated from the "Span" and the specified
"Number of Points" (n > 1) with the condition that the step width is constant on the loga-
rithmic scale. The internal generator power can be set via "POWER BW AVG > Power".
"Log Freq" sweeps are suitable for the analysis of a DUT over a large frequency range,
e.g. over several octaves. In a Cartesian diagram the measurement result is displayed
as a trace over a logarithmic frequency scale. The following example shows a "Log
Freq" sweep with a stimulus range between 1 MHz and 6 GHz, the forward transmission
parameter S
as measured quantity, and a "dB Mag" scaled y-axis.
Channel Settings