GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
In the "More Wave Quantities" dialog, the "Show as:" control element specifies whether
wave quantities are displayed as voltages or equivalent powers, using the port impedan-
ces for a conversion between the two representations. "Result is Wave Quantity" is rel-
evant for mathematical traces displayed in units of "dBm" ("Show as: Power" and trace
format "dB Mag"):
If "Result is Wave Quantity" is on (checked), the mathematical trace values <W> are
interpreted as voltages and first converted into equivalent powers (<W> —> <P> =
)). Results in "dB Mag" format are calculated according to <P>
= 10 * log
If "Result is Wave Quantity" is off, the mathematical trace values <W> are interpreted
as dimensionless quantities. Results in "dB Mag" format are calculated according to
= 20 * log (<W>).
A mathematical trace value amounts to 1 (real value); the port impedance is 50 Ω. If
"Result is Wave Quantity" is on, the analyzer assumes the trace value to be 1 V, which
is converted into a linear power of 20 mW, corresponding to approx. 13 dBm. With "Result
is Wave Quantity" off, the trace value 1 is directly converted into a logarithmic power of
0 dBm.
See also example for
Remote command:
Recall... / Save...
Recalls / saves a mathematical expression from / to a trace math string file. Trace math
string files are ASCII files with the default extension
and contain the mathematical
expression as it is written in the User Def Math... dialog. It is possible to change or create
math string files using a text editor.
Remote command:
Trace Config > All Mem All Data
Performs actions on all data or memory traces in the active recall set.
Background information
Refer to
TRACE > SCALE key or Alt + Shift + D
Trace Settings