GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Import... / Export...
The buttons open standard dialogs to import and export sweep segment settings.
"Import..." loads a sweep segment list from a sweep segment file.
"Export..." stores the current sweep segments to a sweep segment file.
Sweep segment files
The analyzer uses a simple ASCII format to export sweep segment data. By default, the
sweep segment file extension is
. The file starts with two comment lines con-
taining the version and a third line reproducing the header of the segment list. The fol-
lowing lines contain the entries of all columns of the segment list, including the "Displayed
Columns" that may be hidden in the "Define Segments" dialog.
The segmented sweep range
is described by the following sweep segment file:
The sweep segment file actually contains more columns listing all channel settings
of the individual sweep segments. The headings of the additional columns read:
IF Bandwidth [Hz]
enIF Selectivity
en IF Sideband
Meas Delay [µs]
boSweep Time
Remote command:
Channel Settings