GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
Auto Length
Adds an electrical length offset to the selected test port with the condition that the residual
delay of the active trace (defined as the negative derivative of the phase response) is
minimized across the entire sweep range. If "Delay" is the selected trace format, the entire
trace is shifted in vertical direction and centered around zero. In phase format, the "Auto
Length" corrected trace shows the deviation from linear phase.
If the measured quantity is a ratio, or if it is derived from a ratio, its receiving port is given
as the index of the wave quantity in the numerator. If the active trace shows an S-param-
eter S
, then "Auto Length" adds a length offset at port i.
See also
chapter, "Auto Length"
Remote command:
Reset Offsets
Resets all length offsets to zero.
Remote command:
Fixture Compensation
"Fixture Compensation" opens a submenu to correct the measurement result for the
effects of a test fixture.
The "Fixture Compensation" dialog provides the following control elements:
"Physical Port Selection" selects the ports where the analyzer performs a fixture
compensation sweep in order to determine the compensation data.
"Offset Correction" selects the type of compensation that the network analyzer cal-
culates from the acquired compensation data. "Auto Length" or "Auto Length and
Loss" implies that a global electrical length offset and loss is determined in analogy
to the general offset compensation (see
chapter, "Auto Length"
chapter, "Auto Length and Loss"
, on page 94). With "Direct Compensa-
Channel Settings