GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
All Data to Mem
Stores all data traces in the current recall set to memory traces, in accordance with the
"Copy Dest" setting. No trace functions are applied to the stored traces.
If no memory trace is associated with a data trace, then a new memory trace is created.
The new trace is named "Mem<n+1>[<Data_Trace>]", where n is the largest of all existing
memory trace indices. If several memory traces are associated with a data trace, the
newest memory trace is replaced.
Remote command:
All Data & Func to Mem
Stores the current state of the active data traces modified by the trace functions to mem-
ory traces, in accordance with the "Destination" setting.
Trace functions
The trace functions comprise the following mathematical operations:
Any mathematical relation applied to the trace ("Math = Data/Mem, Math = User
A shift of the trace in horizontal or vertical direction ("TRACE CONFIG > Smooth Shift
Hold > Shift Trace").
"All Data to Mem" stores the raw trace without the trace functions, "All Data & Func to
Mem" stores the trace after it has been transformed using the trace functions.
Remote command:
Specifies whether data will be copied to existing memory traces ("Mem"), overwriting the
previous values, or to "New" memory traces.
Remote command:
Trace Settings