Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
pattern length,
PATTern trigger commands,
pattern trigger format,
pattern trigger qualifier,
pattern triggering,
pause pulse, SENT messages,
peak current,
peak data,
peak detect,
peak detect acquisition type,
PEAK SEARch commands,
peak-peak math function,
peak-to-peak vertical value
pending operations,
percent of waveform overshoot,
percent thresholds,
period measured to calculate phase,
period measurement,
Period, power modulation analysis,
period, waveform generator,
persistence, waveform,
phase data, including in control loop
response results,
phase data, including in FRA results,
phase measured between channels,
phase measurements,
phase measurements with X cursors,
PLL Locked bit,
PNG format screen image data,
pod, stop displaying,
points in waveform data,
points per decade, Control Loop Response
(Bode) power analysis,
points per decade, frequency response
points per decade, Power Supply Rejection
Ratio (PSRR) power analysis,
points, setting (Digitizer mode),
polarity for glitch search,
polarity for glitch trigger,
polarity, runt search,
polarity, runt trigger,
polling synchronization example,
polling synchronization with timeout,
polling wait,
PON (Power On) status bit,
position cursors,
position in zoomed view,
positive glitch trigger polarity,
positive pulse width,
positive pulse width measurement,
positive pulse width, power modulation
positive slope,
positive slope, Nth edge in burst,
positive TV trigger polarity,
positive width,
power analysis, enabling,
POWer commands,
power factor,
power factor for IEC 61000-3-2 Standard
Class C,
power loss,
power phase angle,
power quality analysis,
power supply rejection ratio (PSRR),
Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) power
analysis settings,
preamble data,
preamble metadata,
precision analysis,
precision analysis record,
precision analysis record length,
precision measurements and math
present working directory, recall
present working directory, save
preset conditions,
preshoot measured on waveform,
previously stored configuration,
probe attenuation affects channel voltage
probe attenuation factor (external
probe attenuation factor for selected
probe head type,
probe ID,
probe sense for oscilloscope,
probe skew value,
process sigma, mask test run,
program data,
program data syntax rules,
program initialization,
program message,
program message syntax,
program message terminator,
program structure,
programming examples,
protecting against calibration,
protection lock,
PTYPE byte (CXPI), trigger when
PTYPE frames, CXPI,
pulse waveform generator output,
pulse width,
pulse width duration trigger,
pulse width measurement,
pulse width trigger,
pulse width trigger level,
pulse width triggering,
pulse width, waveform generator,
PXI trigger commands,
PXI trigger mode,
Python, VISA COM example,
Python, VISA example,
PyVISA 1.5 and older,
PyVISA 1.6 and newer,
qualifier for glitch search,
qualifier, runt search,
qualifier, runt trigger,
qualifier, transition search,
qualifier, transition trigger,
qualifier, trigger duration,
qualifier, trigger pattern,
queries, multiple,
query error detected in Standard Event
query responses, block data,
query responses, reading,
query results, reading into numeric
query results, reading into string
query return values,
query setup,
querying setup,
querying the subsystem,
queues, clearing,
quick reference, commands,
quoted ASCII string,
QYE (Query Error) status bit,
ramp symmetry, waveform generator,
ramp symmetry, waveform generator
modulating signal,
ramp waveform generator output,
random trigger holdoff,
range for channels,
range for duration trigger,
range for external trigger,
range for full-scale vertical axis,
range for glitch search,
range for glitch trigger,
range for time base,
range of offset values,
range qualifier,
ranges, value,
ratio measurements with X cursors,
ratio measurements with Y cursors,
ratio of AC RMS values measured between
Ratio, power modulation analysis,
raw acquisition record,
RCL (Recall),