:POWer Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Query Syntax
:POWer:CLResponse:DATA? [SWEep | SINGle]
The :POWer:CLResponse:DATA? query returns data from the Control Loop
Response (Bode) power analysis.
The comma-separated value format is suitable for spreadsheet analysis.
You can use the :POWer:CLResponse:TRACe command to specify whether to
include gain, phase, both gain and phase, or neither in the frequency response
analysis results.
The SWEep or SINGle option specifies whether to get the data from a sweep or
single-frequency analysis (see :POWer:CLResponse:FREQuency:MODE). If this
option is not specified, the data from the sweep analysis is returned by default.
Return Format
<binary_block> ::= comma-separated data with newlines at the end of each
See Also