Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Programming Examples
' Close the vi session and the resource manager session.
err = viClose(vi)
err = viClose(drm)
End Sub
' Initialize the oscilloscope to a known state.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Initialize()
' Clear the interface.
err = viClear(vi)
If Not (err = VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError vi
' Get and display the device's *IDN? string.
strQueryResult = DoQueryString("*IDN?")
MsgBox "*IDN? string: " + strQueryResult, vbOKOnly, "*IDN? Result"
' Clear status and load the default setup.
DoCommand "*CLS"
DoCommand "*RST"
End Sub
' Capture the waveform.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Capture()
' Use auto-scale to automatically configure oscilloscope.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
DoCommand ":AUToscale"
' Set trigger mode (EDGE, PULSe, PATTern, etc., and input source.
DoCommand ":TRIGger:MODE EDGE"
Debug.Print "Trigger mode: " + _
' Set EDGE trigger parameters.
DoCommand ":TRIGger:EDGE:SOURce CHANnel1"
Debug.Print "Trigger edge source: " + _
DoCommand ":TRIGger:EDGE:LEVel 1.5"
Debug.Print "Trigger edge level: " + _
DoCommand ":TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe POSitive"
Debug.Print "Trigger edge slope: " + _
' Save oscilloscope configuration.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------