Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:SYSTem Commands
Command Syntax
:SYSTem:PERSona[:MANufacturer] <manufacturer_string>
<manufacturer_string> ::= ::= quoted ASCII string, up to 63 characters
The :SYSTem:PERSona[:MANufacturer] command lets you change the
manufacturer string portion of the identification string returned by the *IDN?
The default manufacturer string is "KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES".
If your remote programs depend on a legacy manufacturer string, for example, you
could use this command to set the manufacturer string to "AGILENT
Query Syntax
The :SYSTem:PERSona[:MANufacturer]? query returns the currently set
manufacturer string.
Return Format
See Also
"*IDN (Identification Number)"