Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:TRIGger Commands
AUTO mode is useful for signals other than low-repetitive-rate signals. You
must use this mode to display a DC signal because there are no edges on which
to trigger.
The following trigger types are available (see
Edge triggering
— identifies a trigger by looking for a specified slope and voltage
level on a waveform.
Nth Edge Burst triggering
— lets you trigger on the Nth edge of a burst that occurs
after an idle time.
Pulse width triggering
— (:TRIGger:GLITch commands) sets the oscilloscope to
trigger on a positive pulse or on a negative pulse of a specified width.
Pattern triggering
— identifies a trigger condition by looking for a specified
pattern. This pattern is a logical AND combination of the channels. You can also
trigger on a specified time duration of a pattern.
TV triggering
— is used to capture the complicated waveforms of television
equipment. The trigger circuitry detects the vertical and horizontal interval of
the waveform and produces triggers based on the TV trigger settings you
selected. TV triggering requires greater than ¼ division of sync amplitude with
any analog channel as the trigger source.
Reporting the Setup
Use :TRIGger? to query setup information for the TRIGger subsystem.
Return Format
The return format for the TRIGger? query varies depending on the current mode.
The following is a sample response from the :TRIGger? query. In this case, the
query was issued following a *RST command.
:TRIG:MODE EDGE;SWE AUTO;NREJ 0;HFR 0;HOLD +60.0000000000000E-09;