:SBUS<n> Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
RX <source> (see
<source> ::= CHANnel<n>
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
TX <source> (see
<source> ::= CHANnel<n>
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
:BASE <base> (see
<base> ::= {ASCii | HEX}
:BURSt <value> (see
:BURSt? (see
<value> ::= {OFF | 1 to 4096 in
NR1 format}
:DATA <value> (see
<value> ::= 8-bit integer from
0-255 (0x00-0xff) in decimal,
<hexadecimal>, <binary>, or
<quoted_string> format
<hexadecimal> ::= #Hnn where n
::= {0,..,9 | A,..,F} for
<binary> ::= #Bnn...n where n ::=
{0 | 1} for binary
<quoted_string> ::= any of the
128 valid 7-bit ASCII characters
(or standard abbreviations)
:IDLE <time_value>
<time_value> ::= time from 1 us
to 10 s in NR3 format
:QUALifier <value>
:QUALifier? (see
<value> ::= {EQUal | NOTequal |
GREaterthan | LESSthan}
:TYPE <value> (see
<value> ::= {RSTArt | RSTOp |
RDATa | RD1 | RD0 | RDX |
PARityerror | TSTArt | TSTOp |
TDATa | TD1 | TD0 | TDX}
<width> (see
<width> ::= {5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9}
Table 112
:SBUS<n>:UART Commands Summary (continued)
Options and Query Returns