Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:WAVeform Commands
Command Syntax
:WAVeform:POINts:MODE <points_mode>
<points_mode> ::= {NORMal | MAXimum | RAW}
The :WAVeform:POINts:MODE command sets the data record to be transferred
with the :WAVeform:DATA? query.
For the analog sources, there are three different records that can be transferred:
• The first is the raw acquisition record. The maximum number of points available
in this record is returned by the :ACQuire:POINts? query. The raw acquisition
record can only be retrieved from the analog sources.
• The second is referred to as the
measurement record
and is a 65,535-point
(maximum) representation of the raw acquisition record. The measurement
record can be retrieved, when :SYSTem:PRECision is OFF, from any source.
• The third is referred to as the
precision analysis record
and is a user-selectable
100k-point to 1M-point (maximum) representation of the raw acquisition
record. The precision analysis record can be retrieved when :SYSTem:PRECision
is ON, from analog sources.
If the <points_mode> is NORMal and :SYSTem:PRECision is OFF, the measurement
record is retrieved.
If the <points_mode> is NORMal and :SYSTem:PRECision is ON, the precision
analysis record is retrieved.
If the <points_mode> is RAW, the raw acquisition record is used. Under some
conditions, this data record is unavailable.
If the <points_mode> is MAXimum, whichever record contains the maximum
amount of points is used. Usually, this is the raw acquisition record. But, the
measurement record may have more data. If data is being retrieved as the
oscilloscope is stopped and as the data displayed is changing, the data being
retrieved can switch between the measurement and raw acquisition records.
Considerations for
MAXimum or RAW
data retrieval
• The instrument must be stopped (see the :STOP command (see
) or
) in the root subsystem) in order to return
more than the
measurement record
precision analysis record
• :TIMebase:MODE must be set to MAIN.
• :ACQuire:TYPE must be set to NORMal, AVERage, or HRESolution.
If the :WAVeform:SOURce is not an analog or digital source, the only valid parameters for
WAVeform:POINts:MODE is NORMal or MAXimum.