Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:FRANalysis Commands
Command Syntax
:FRANalysis:WGEN:LOAD <impedance>
<impedance> ::= {ONEMeg | FIFTy}
The :FRANalysis:WGEN:LOAD command selects the expected output load
The output impedance of the Gen Out BNC is fixed at 50 ohms. However, the
output load selection lets the waveform generator display the correct amplitude
and offset levels for the expected output load.
If the actual load impedance is different than the selected value, the displayed
amplitude and offset levels will be incorrect.
Query Syntax
The :FRANalysis:WGEN:LOAD? query returns the current expected output load
Return Format
<impedance> ::= {ONEM | FIFT}
See Also