Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes
SCPI Programmer's Guide
12 :DEMO Commands
You can output demonstration signals on the oscilloscope's Demo 1 (Probe Comp)
terminal. See
"Introduction to :DEMO Commands"
Introduction to
:DEMO Commands
The :DEMO subsystem provides commands to output demonstration signals on
the oscilloscope's Demo 1 (Probe Comp) terminal.
Reporting the Setup
Use :DEMO? to query setup information for the DEMO subsystem.
Return Format
The following is a sample response from the :DEMO? query. In this case, the query
was issued following the *RST command.
Table 87
:DEMO Commands Summary
Options and Query Returns
<signal> (see
:DEMO:FUNCtion? (see
<signal> ::= {SINusoid | NOISy |
RINGing | SINGle | CLK | GLITch |
BURSt | RUNT | TRANsition |
RFBurst | LFSine | FMBurst | NFC
| CXPI | ARINc | MANChester | MIL
| NMONotonic | HARMonics |
COUPling | KEYSight}
:DEMO:OUTPut {{0 |
OFF} | {1 | ON}} (see
:DEMO:OUTPut? (see
{0 | 1}