Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:ACQuire Commands
Command Syntax
:ACQuire:TYPE <type>
<type> ::= {NORMal | AVERage | HRESolution | PEAK}
The :ACQuire:TYPE command selects the type of data acquisition that is to take
place. The acquisition types are:
• NORMal — sets the oscilloscope in the normal mode.
• AVERage — sets the oscilloscope in the averaging mode. You can set the count
by sending the :ACQuire:COUNt command followed by the number of averages.
In this mode, the value for averages is an integer from 1 to 65536. The COUNt
value determines the number of averages that must be acquired.
The AVERage type is not available when in segmented memory mode
(:ACQuire:MODE SEGMented).
• HRESolution — sets the oscilloscope in the high-resolution mode (also known
). This mode is used to reduce noise at slower sweep speeds
where the digitizer samples faster than needed to fill memory for the displayed
time range.
For example, if the digitizer samples at 200 MSa/s, but the effective sample
rate is 1 MSa/s (because of a slower sweep speed), only 1 out of every 200
samples needs to be stored. Instead of storing one sample (and throwing others
away), the 200 samples are averaged together to provide the value for one
display point. The slower the sweep speed, the greater the number of samples
that are averaged together for each display point.
• PEAK — sets the oscilloscope in the peak detect mode. In this mode,
:ACQuire:COUNt has no meaning.
The AVERage and HRESolution types can give you extra bits of vertical resolution.
See the
User's Guide
for an explanation. When getting waveform data acquired
using the AVERage and HRESolution types, be sure to use the WORD or ASCii
waveform data formats to get the extra bits of vertical resolution.
Query Syntax
The :ACQuire:TYPE? query returns the current acquisition type.
Return Format
<acq_type> ::= {NORM | AVER | HRES | PEAK}
The obsolete command ACQuire:TYPE:REALtime is functionally equivalent to sending