Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:SBUS<n> Commands
Command Syntax
:SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:PATTern:DATA <string>
<string> ::= "nn...n" where n ::= {0 | 1 | X | $}
<string ::= "0xnn...n" where n ::= {0,..,9 | A,..,F | X | $}
The :SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:PATTern:DATA command defines the CAN data
pattern resource according to the string parameter. This pattern, along with the
data length (set by the :SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:PATTern:DATA:LENGth command),
control the data pattern searched for in each CAN message.
If the string parameter starts with "0x", it is a hexadecimal string made up of
hexadecimal and X (don't care) characters; otherwise, it is a binary string made up
of 0, 1, and X (don't care) characters.
Query Syntax
The :SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:PATTern:DATA? query returns the current settings of
the specified CAN data pattern resource in the binary string format.
Return Format
<string><NL> in nondecimal format
See Also
"Introduction to :TRIGger Commands"
If more bits are sent for <string> than specified by the
:SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:PATTern:DATA:LENGth command, the most significant bits will be
truncated. If the data length is changed after the <string> is programmed, the added or
deleted bits will be added to or deleted from the least significant bits.