Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:POWer Commands
Command Syntax
:POWer:SIGNals:VMAXimum:ONOFf:OFF <value>[suffix]
<value> ::= Maximum expected input Voltage in NR3 format
[suffix] ::= {V | mV}
The :POWer:SIGNals:VMAXimum:ONOFf:OFF command specifies the maximum
expected input voltage. This value is used to set the vertical scale of the channel
probing voltage for turn off analysis.
When the :POWer:ITYPe is DC, this command defines the maximum DC input
voltage amplitude value. The values can be negative.
When the :POWer:ITYPe is AC, this command defines the maximum peak-to-peak
input voltage. Only positive values are allowed.
Query Syntax
The :POWer:SIGNals:VMAXimum:ONOFf:OFF query returns the expected
maximum input voltage setting.
Return Format
<value> ::= Maximum expected input Voltage in NR3 format
See Also