What's New
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Enables or disables the random trigger holdoff mode.
:TRIGger:NFC:RPOLarity (see
Enables or disables triggering on signals with "reverse" polarity.
:TRIGger:PXI:SYNC (see
Enables or disables the sync mode (when setting up multiple
M924xA oscilloscope module triggers).
:CALibrate:OUTPut (see
The TSOurce option can now be selected to output the raw trigger
signal from the oscilloscope's trigger circuit to Trig Out.
PE (see
The DSMA and DSMA6 probe head types can now be selected.
:DISPlay:PERSistence (see
The ADAPtive persistence option has been added.
The <range> option has been added to specify the initial ramp
amplitude at a frequency setting. When the amplitude profile
setting is on, amplitudes ramp between the settings specified for
individual frequencies.
The BARTlett window is now available.
:MEASure:DELay (see
You can now specify an <edge_select_mode> with the command
and query.
:OPERegister:CONDition (see
Bit 4 in the Operation Status Condition Register now shows
whether the remote user interface is enabled.
:OPERegister[:EVENt] (see
Bit 4 in the Operation Status Event Register now indicates when
the remote user interface has gone from a disabled state to an
enabled state.
:SBUS<n>:MODE (see
The MANChester and NRZ modes are now available with the
Manchester/NRZ serial decode and triggering license.